Cost Per Case Comparison of Back Injury Claims of Chiropractic versus Medical Management for Conditions with Identical Diagnostic Codes

MoneyJarvis, Kelly; Phillips, Reed; Morris, Elliot. “Cost Per Case Comparison of Back Injury Claims of Chiropractic versus Medical Management for Conditions with Identical Diagnostic Codes.” Journal of Occupational Medicine 1991; 33(8): 847-852.

Comparison of cost between MD and DC providers for injuries related to the back. The average number of treatments for medical claims was 4.93 as compared to 12.89 for chiropractic claims. Average days of care was 34.25 for medical claims and 54.49 for chiropractic claims. Average compensation cost for work time lost was $668.39 for medical claims and $68.38 for chiropractic claims. Average cost of care for medical claims was $684.15 and $526.84 for chiropractic claims.

This study demonstrates that although individuals who receive chiropractic care usually have a greater number of visits to DCs than those who visit MDs, the total cost of care that worker’s compensation dispersed is lower for those visiting DCs.

Portion reprinted by permission from the American Chiropractic Association.