A Comparison of Health Care Costs for Chiropractic and Medical patients

MoneyStano, Miron. “A Comparison of Health Care Costs for Chiropractic and Medical patients.” Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 1993: 16(5): 291-299.

This study compared the overall cost of treatment for patients who received chiropractic care for neuromusculoskeletal problems to those who received medical and osteopathic care. In a sample patient population, a fourth of patients analyzed were referred to and treated by chiropractors.

The study demonstrated that these chiropractic patients had lower total overall health care costs at the completion of treatment with similiar resolution of symptoms. “Total cost differences in the order of $1000. over the two year period were found in the total sample of patients as well as in sub-samples of patients with specific disorders.” Lower costs are attributed to lower inpatient utilization.

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