The IPA Study

SERVICE iStock_000015878671_LargeA survey of patients of chiropractors in an independent physicians’ association found that, when asked if they would recommend their Doctor of Chiropractic to others, 95.5% of the patients said “yes.”


Other results were as high:

  • Length of time to get an appointment – 84.9% said Excellent
  • Access to the office by telephone – 95.5% Excellent or Very Good
  • Length of wait at the office – 92.4% Excellent or Very Good
  • Time spent with the doctor – 95.5% Excellent or Very Good
  • Explanation of what was done at the visit – 95.5% Excellent or Very Good
  • Technical skills of the provider – 98.5% Excellent or Very Good
  • Personal manner of the chiropractor – 100% Excellent or Very Good
  • Overall visit – 100% Excellent or Very Good

Portion reprinted by permission from the Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research, Copyright 2003.